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Areas of Expertise

  • Chromebooks

  • 1:1 Device Deployments

  • Google Educator Certification Strategies

  • Digital Citizenship & Safety


Romoland is a TK-8 school district located in Riverside County, California. In 2014 district leaders made a commitment to improving instructional practices and academic growth, and one of the key changes to support that commitment was to improve the instructional technology environment. With equity in mind, Romoland utilized a collaborative process to create a classroom standard for technology across the district. With Google Workspace as a foundation, and Chromebooks in all grade levels, Romoland has become an academic growth leader in Riverside County for the last two years.

Grades 3-8 utilize 1:1 Chromebooks, and 6-8 students may take the devices home (including summer breaks). Grades K-2 have a 2:1 ratio utilizing shared carts, and TK classrooms use ChromeOS tablets.

Story Of Impact


Years using Google Workspace

+6 years

Years using Chromebooks

+6 years


English (American or British) English

Age Levels

  • Early childhood

  • Elementary School

  • Middle School


Story of Impact

This slide deck walks through Romoland's journey from an underachieving district with technology inequity to a regional leader in academic growth with technology infused throughout the instructional program at all schools.

Responsible Use Policy

This Responsible Use Policy (RUP) outlines the guidelines and behaviors that all staff and students are expected to follow when using District technology resources. This is not an agreement that users must sign to participate; since technology is just part of everyday life in our district, this policy applies to all. It is included in annual notification packets that are sent to parents/guardians and staff, and staff do sign to confirm that they have received and read the annual notification.
