Areas of Expertise
Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals
Chrome Browser
Our district consists of about 1720 students, grades PK through 12. Our high school is 1:1 Chromebooks. Our middle school, grades 6-12, has a 30-Chromebook cart in each team which consists of approximately 50-60 students. Grades 4-5 and PK-3 elementary schools have incorporated Chromebooks into their classroom workshop model and have been provided up to 6 Chromebooks per classroom. Our elementary intervention programs and our English Language Learners support programs have also begun to incorporate touch-screen Chromebooks as part of their regular practice. G Suite for Education has become the primary, supported tool for the 350 teachers, staff, and administrators.
Story Of Impact
English (American or British)
Age Levels
Early childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
High School