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Google for Education Service Partners

Google for Education Service Partners provide professional development and consultation to teachers and leaders in education. These partners train educators on the impactful use of Google technology in the classroom and lead schools through transformative change by providing guidance in the areas of vision, learning approach, culture, and community.

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Reference District or School

Reference Districts and Schools are recognized by Google for their outstanding use of technology to drive positive learning outcomes. Each has agreed to host visitors on-site, share advice, tips, and best practices, host events, and more.

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Certified Trainer

Google for Education Certified Trainers are experts in delivering strong 1:many professional development. They train fellow educators on how to make the most of Google tools and support them as they redefine learning through the use of technology.

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Certified Coach

Google for Education Certified Coaches work 1:1 with teachers to help them identify and adopt technology-based solutions to classroom challenges. This personalized support for teachers leads to more meaningful use of technology and school transformation.

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Certified Innovator

Google for Education Certified Innovators are members of an elite community of passionate educators in over fifty countries who are designing creative solutions to the world’s toughest challenges in education.

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